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  Home > Hardy Shrubs & Conifers


Abutilon vitifolium 5L 80-90cms.

Chilean Tree Mallow.                                                                                                                                      Please enquire for availability as only available in small numbers.

Abutilon is a medium sized deciduous shrub from the mallow family.  It has mauve-purple flowers in late summer.  Not totally hardy (to -5) so needs a warm sheltered position in the garden,  Best in the ground, but can be grown as a pot plant in the conservatory given the right conditions.  Outside, it will grow happily in full sun, but with shading from the hottest parts of the day.  Dislikes too much wet as the leaves are slightly felty.  3-5 lobed, vine shaped softly grey hairy leaves up to 15cm long   Long stalked, saucer shaped pale to deep mauve flowers from late spring to late summer.  Lovely plant to grow.  Not much pruning necessary, only to tip branches to make a bushier plant or to remove damaged growth after the winter.  Best done while actively growing in May or later.

Best collected rather than mail order delivery.

Our Price: £45.00

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