Quick reference: Achilleas, Agastache, Ajuga, Alliums, Amsonia, Anemone sylvestris, Aralia, Artemesia, Asarum, Astilbe Baptisia, Blephillia, Boltonia, Calamintha, Csllirhoe, Calylophus, Carex, Chrysogonum, Cimicifuga, Coreopsis Delosperma, Dianthus, Dicentra, Digitalis Echinops, Eupatorium, Euphorbia Helianthus, Hellebores, Hypericum These are plants that deer prefer not to eat if they have a choice of something more palatable - no plant is totally deer proof if they are hungry enough. February is the worst month of the year for deer damage - this is because they are running out of natural forage, and food is scarce. Protect your vulnerable plants at this time of the year. Plants they particularly like: Aronia. Roses (list to be added to) |