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  Home > Groundcover Perennials & Shrubs

Groundcover plants are herbaceous perennials, sub-shrubs or alpines which are ground-hugging and short in stature, so that they are good for suppressing weed growth and making a good carpet for visual enjoyment. At the same time, they are labour saving element with regard to weed control. Each genus/variety will have their own flowering timescale, so that if good choices are made, they can 'light up a dark area' if they are in shade, and tone down an area if they are in full sun. Care should be taken not to plant invasive varieties where population control is important, as they can choke out choice shrubs if allowed. Invasive varieties are marked in their descriptions, but they will have their own uses in wilder areas where other plants will not grow or you have an ugly bombsite or a vast piece of land to plant up.
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'  4L  SOLD OUTAcorus gramineus 'Ogon' 4L SOLD OUT
Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea'  9cm  SOLD OUTAjuga reptans 'Atropurpurea' 9cm SOLD OUT
Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' 1L
Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' 9cm PVR
Ajuga reptans 'Blueberry Muffin' 2L
Ajuga reptans 'Pink Lightening'  1LAjuga reptans 'Pink Lightening' 1L
Anthemis cupaniana ssp cupaniana  2LAnthemis cupaniana ssp cupaniana 2L
Anthemis punctata ssp cupaniana  9cmAnthemis punctata ssp cupaniana 9cm
Artemesia schmidtiana Nana  9cmArtemesia schmidtiana Nana 9cm
Asplenium scolopendrium  2LAsplenium scolopendrium 2L
Asplenium scolopendrium 1LAsplenium scolopendrium 1L
Astilbe 'Deutschland'  5LAstilbe 'Deutschland' 5L
Bergenia 'Ballawley Hybrids' 3L ready March 23
Bergenia 'Eroica'  2LBergenia 'Eroica' 2L
Bergenia 'Overture' 3L
Bergenia crassifolia 2L
Brunnera 'Betty Bowring'  2LBrunnera 'Betty Bowring' 2L
Brunnera mac. 'Sea Heart'  3L NEW STOCK SOONBrunnera mac. 'Sea Heart' 3L NEW STOCK SOON
Brunnera mac. 'Silver Spear'  2LBrunnera mac. 'Silver Spear' 2L
Brunnera macrophyla 'Jack Frost'   2LBrunnera macrophyla 'Jack Frost' 2L
Brunnera macrophylla 2LBrunnera macrophylla 2L
Calamagrostis (Stipa)  brachytricha  2LCalamagrostis (Stipa) brachytricha 2L
Calamintha nepeta 'Marvelette White'Calamintha nepeta 'Marvelette White'
Carex  'Evergold' (oshimensis)  2LCarex 'Evergold' (oshimensis) 2L
Carex  'Everlime'  (oshimensis) PBR  SOLD OUT   3LCarex 'Everlime' (oshimensis) PBR SOLD OUT 3L
Carex 'Ice Dance'  (morrowii) 2LCarex 'Ice Dance' (morrowii) 2L
Cerastium tomentosum (snow in summer) 9cm
Convolvulus sabatius   9cmConvolvulus sabatius 9cm
Cornus sanguinea 2L
Deschampsia 'Gold Tau' (Golden Dew) 2L
Deschampsia ces. 'Goldschleier' (Golden Veil) 3L
Dryopteris erythrosora 3LDryopteris erythrosora 3L
Dryopteris lepidopoda  3LDryopteris lepidopoda 3L
Dryopteris lepidopoda  Male Fern 5LDryopteris lepidopoda Male Fern 5L
Epimedium 'Sasaki' 2L
Epimedium 'White Queen' 2L
Epimedium elegans 2L
Epimedium g/f 'Lilofee' 1L
Epimedium g/f 'Lilofee' 2L ready May 2024
Epimedium g/f 'Lilofee' 3L ready May 2024

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