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  Home > Seasonal/Annuals

Ammi majus (Bishops Flower)  9cm  SOLD OUTAmmi majus (Bishops Flower) 9cm SOLD OUT
Berried Holly  18 stems approx  0.5kgBerried Holly 18 stems approx 0.5kg
Chives 9cm
Convolvulus sabatius   9cmConvolvulus sabatius 9cm
Dahlia 'Diana's Memory' palest pink/cream dec. tuber
Dahlia 'Garden Wonder'  red decorative tuberDahlia 'Garden Wonder' red decorative tuber
Dahlia 'Gerry Hoek' tuber
Dahlia 'Hollyhill Spider Woman' tuber
Dahlia 'Karma Serena' white decorative tuber
Dahlia 'Rebecca's World' cactus purple/white tuber
Daucus carota 'Dara'  9cmDaucus carota 'Dara' 9cm
Geranium 'Bill Wallis' 9cm
Gillenia trifoliata   2L  SOLD OUTGillenia trifoliata 2L SOLD OUT
Holly with berries  36 sterms (appox2kg)Holly with berries 36 sterms (appox2kg)


Sphagnum Moss for hanging baskets and wreath rings is available now from our sustainable supply from our nursery fields.

Patio Plants
We endeavour to offer the more unusual plants for summer bedding, basket and container planting, so there are numerous plants you won't find here (although we can quote for your complete requirements if you wish us to do so.) We only list items that are not so easily available from your local garden centre and what we consider to be premium plants. Happy gardening from the Plantproviders Team.
Plant Food
Primula Belarina 'Pink Champagne'  1L  SOLD OUTPrimula Belarina 'Pink Champagne' 1L SOLD OUT
Prunus laurocerrasus (common laurel)10L 3-4ft v. hardy 25L
Salvia 'Joy' 2L HHP
Vegetables - Culinary & Ornamental

As with all purchases, terms and conditions apply. Please read our Terms and Conditions prior to placing an order. Thank You.
If you need any help, ring 01452 770092 and ask for Wendy, or email your enquiry and we will try and help.

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